BlueCareer offers an easy-to-use resource center providing in-depth information on more than 100 skilled trades to match skilled tradespeople to hiring companies based on the experience & certifications the job demands.
BlueCareer offers an easy-to-use resource center providing in-depth information on more than 100 skilled trades to match skilled tradespeople to hiring companies based on the experience & certifications the job demands.
EBSCO LearningExpress provides interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, career advancement and standardized test preparation.
Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers provides guides, specialized industry journals, and educational information for career exploration.
Mango Languages offers over 70 languages and provides the 6 critical skills for learning a new language: Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Culture, Comprehension, and Retention.
Click the mobile icon near the top right corner of Mango Language site to find login credentials to access the mobile app.
O’Reilly provides world class business and technology interactive trainings to individuals, teams, and businesses.
Universal Class: Over 600 online courseswith CEUs on almost any subject including: ComputerTraining, Personal Finance, How-To, Writing Skills, Pet and Animal Care, Professional Development, Health,Arts & Crafts, and so much more!
Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledge base, relied on by millions of students & professionals. For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, and music.
Note: Click on “Sign In” button at top right of WolframAlpha website after DoD authentication to complete the sign in process. No additional credentials are required to enter.
WolframAlpha App: Use the provided email address available under Account > Wolfram ID to login on the app.
World Book Student is an interactive encyclopedia that comes to life through this digital format and provides a one-stop shop for cross-curricular learning.