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61 - 70 of 101 results found

Global Incident Map


Global Incident Map seeks to provide useful, timely, and relevant information on all manner of threats for situational awareness.



GreenFILE from EBSCO offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Titles include content on global warming, green building, pollution, renewable energy, recycling, and more.



Hiveclass is the Digital Encyclopedia for youth sports training, a platform that makes it easy for families to access high quality, educational videos in various sports and activities. Whether a kid is exploring a new hobby, searching for additional instruction, or looking to increase levels of physical activity, Hiveclass provides various options for all.



Select from over 30,000 thousand award-winning films and documentaries available from Kanopy.  Classic-films, world cinema, popular movies, plus a whole lot more educational and entertainment films to choose from.  Access from anywhere, anytime, with any device.

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts


Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) is a free research database for library and information science studies. LISTA provides indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books, research reports.

Mango Languages


Mango Languages offers over 70 languages and provides the 6 critical skills for learning a new language: Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Culture, Comprehension, and Retention.

Click the mobile icon near the top right corner of Mango Language site to find login credentials to access the mobile app.

Miss Humblebee's Academy


Miss Humblebee's Academy offers an award-winning curriculum that prepares children ages 3 to 6 for kindergarten proficiency.

Morningstar Investing Center


Morningstar Investing Center provides access to information on mutual funds, stocks, investments, daily market news, and snapshot investments. Note: Access is only available from the DoD MWR Libraries website. Subscription does not include access on the Morningstar App.

National Geographic Archive: 1888-1994


National Geographic Archive: 1888-1994 brings together a complete archive of  National Geographic magazine along with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images and videos.

National Geographic Kids


National Geographic Kids provides interactive science and archaeology learning resources for educators and children.