OverDrive Libby
OverDrive Libby provides access to eBooks, audiobooks and magazines. Best sellers and classics are included. For optimal user experience, download the Libby app onto your personal device.
OverDrive Libby provides access to eBooks, audiobooks and magazines. Best sellers and classics are included. For optimal user experience, download the Libby app onto your personal device.
PressReader delivers digital access to over 7,000 full-text, full-page format newspapers and magazines from more than 120 countries in over 60 different languages. For app use: download the PressReader app before accessing link below.
ScienceFlix – (grades 4-10 with STEM Middle/HS focus) – Science for the Next Generation!
Small Engine Repair Source provides over 400 reference books with original photos and illustrations for small engine repair assistance and detailed, user-friendly repair guides.
Scholastic Teachables – (PreK – 6th Grade) Scholastic Teachables offers printable activities for any subject: math, science, reading comprehension, STEM, writing, and beyond. Download printable lesson plans, reading passages, games and puzzles, clip art, bulletin board ideas, teacher supports, and skills sheets. Over 25,000 teacher-created, vetted printables to support your instruction.
Teacher Reference Center from EBSCO is a research database for teachers and education professionals and provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
TrueFlix – (grades 3-5) Bringing award-winning True Books to Life to help students master Social Studies and Science content knowledge through literacy!
Tutor.com provides online tutoring and homework help for the U.S. military, Department of Defense staff and their families 24/7.
Universal Class: Over 600 online courseswith CEUs on almost any subject including: ComputerTraining, Personal Finance, How-To, Writing Skills, Pet and Animal Care, Professional Development, Health,Arts & Crafts, and so much more!
The Wall Street Journal provides breaking news and analysis from the U.S. and around the world.