Global Incident Map
Global Incident Map seeks to provide useful, timely, and relevant information on all manner of threats for situational awareness.
Global Incident Map seeks to provide useful, timely, and relevant information on all manner of threats for situational awareness.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) is a free research database for library and information science studies. LISTA provides indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books, research reports.
Morningstar Investing Center provides access to information on mutual funds, stocks, investments, daily market news, and snapshot investments. Note: Access is only available from the DoD MWR Libraries website. Subscription does not include access on the Morningstar App.
National Geographic Archive: 1888-1994 brings together a complete archive of National Geographic magazine along with a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, maps, images and videos.
National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World includes interactive maps, fun to learn animal facts, and stories about the people who shape the world.
NFPA LiNK® is a subscription-based application that delivers NFPA codes and standards and supporting content. This new tool allows users to easily search and navigate a variety of different content types based on real-life scenarios. NFPA LiNK® allows you to curate and share information relevant to your work and educate yourself and your team to better prepare for your day-to-day work. Official DAF email address required to register. DAF personnel with email address should send account request to [email protected]. Access Instructions
Teacher Reference Center from EBSCO is a research database for teachers and education professionals and provides indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
Weiss Financial Ratings is the source for unbiased, accurate, trusted ratings that you can rely on to make sound, informed financial decisions.
World Book Discover offers differentiated learners with access to content that improves reading comprehension skills and vocabulary building.
World Book TImelines provides a collection of 650 unique timelines, spanning the arts, science, culture, and more.